Monday, August 4, 2008

5 Aug 08 (cont).

Well I have resubmitted my script to Te Paepae! That is a humbling experience! Still I am glad I did. For what I took for criticism the other day...was in fact just another creative writer's ideas...which I can take or leave as I want too.
So yes, that is one bad trait I am going to work on...the way I become overly defensive of my creative works. So I will practice actually being able to take peoples suggestions for what they are.
Anyway, thanks to Renee at Te Paepae for allowing me to do that. I guess it was also due to all the stress I am under...with my short script and pre-production for trying to raise finances etc.
I am going to focus on positive things and from now on I shall have a quote for the day. Each quote will deal with a specific issue/subject. Today's quote is all about forgiving, 'Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!'.

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