Saturday, August 30, 2008

31 Aug 08.

I find out apopo (tomorrow) if I will be getting my business grant to start up my Video production Company. The grant will enable me to get a semi-pro camera, tripod and computer (with editing software). I will then be in bizzo! It's been a long, hard slog to get the financing. So far this year I have applied for:
1) ASB business grant ($150,000) to start up a Video course for At Risk youth. Turned down.
2) Creative NZ grant ($5,000) to finish off my play Tana Tu. Fifth year and fifth time I have applied (five different projects). Fifth time I have been turned down.
3) AMP Scholarship grant ($10,000). Turned down.
4) Book grant ($1,000) to publish 100 books. Turned down (I ended up getting a loan, which I am still paying off!).
5) Video Production Company Grant ($10,000)...Here's hoping!!!

When (if) I start the bizzo up, my kaupapa will be to respect people (customers or not) and to work hard. I will be putting the film in the hands of a producer (once I secure one). But, the film will immediately come first, once financing comes through. The Video company is my bread and butter stuff and to keep my skills developed and up to play. The film is my dream...but dreams don't give you kai! Thought for the day...If you reach for the stars you may not get them, but you will not get mud either.