Wednesday, July 30, 2008

31 July 08.

Tena koutou katoa. This will be a regular (or is that irregular! Ha ha ha) blog I will do whenever I have the time, to let everyone know where I am with my movie venture Te Whakapouri.
Well, I have just got back from Aucks. The weather was shocking. I went down to make contact with Aho Whakaari Maori Film and Television. I only had three hours sleep. I left at 5.30am. It was pissing down and foggy. Cars were up my ass (so I slammed on my brakes several times just to make them BACK OFF). It was a horrible journey! Anyway went to the hui. Made some good contacts...and even became a paid member! Aho Whakaari are doing positive things for Maori...check them out. Also went to TVNZ. Marae is doing a story about me (in regards to the film).
I came back (thank the good Lord) the next day. Glad to be out of rat city! I have made a contact with a Maori film maker in Windy Welly...who I will call Top! (you know who you are e hoa). She liked the script. So hopefully she will become involved.
Anyway just a short blog today. The hikoi (journey) ahead will be filled with obstacles...but I will keep my eyes on the dream and vision and that will give me the purpose and mana to carry it through.

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