Top has made a basic shooting schedule and also drawn up a production plan, so that is good. She is figuring out the costs at the moment.
I have decided to go hard out sending emails off to as many potential investors etc as possible. The sooner this trailer can be made the better. I am dead keen on actually filming the movie, however, that is a long way off yet. Even if I had the finances (millions) it would still not be ready to film until quite a while.
I am going to film the trailer on a skeleton crew, however quality will NOT suffer. Two of the key areas is lighting and sound. So I will be having a professional cinematographer on board for the trailer, who will also help with the feature.
Jade has kindly let me use the resources at her classroom to edit stuff for the footage I have been taking for the Whangarei TV station. I downloaded some footage for over 1 hr just now...and it was ALL lost!
I hope to find out about my bizzo grant this week.
As for Shifty & Shorty, it may not be happening. No actors and actresses! Whangarei is just so ho-ha at times.
I have only sent off ten emails to different maori businesses (for my trailer) and two responded. One offered a pure Arabian white stallion with one eye for Tana Tu! Ka pai! That will be so cool! The other contacted one of my referees to ask about whether or not I am straight up and if I can finish the film. The answer to that is...only dropping down dead will stop me!!! Ha ha ha. The reality is, things are progressing well overall. Top is doing the production budget/schedule; Two drafts of the script have been written (I am working on the third); The website is up and running; I have a white Arabian stallion!; Mihi has come on board. The main thing now is to raise the I will get on to sending as many emails as possible. I will ask Top and Mihi to help me in this matter. Plus I will be soliciting the tautoko of Maori organizations around town.